What is Autosave in WordPress?

Autosave is a WordPress feature that saves changes to a post, page, or custom post type automatically. On the Post Edit screen, it works. Since version 3.6, WordPress has also taken advantage of the user’s browser’s local storage function, allowing changes to be stored even if the user loses internet access. This feature is incredibly crucial and beneficial because it eliminates the possibility of data loss. For example, if you were writing a post and your browser suddenly crashed, your work would not be lost (thanks to autosave).

Saving and Autosave

Every 15 seconds, the changes you make are automatically saved to your local device, and once per minute to WordPress.com. In the Publish Module at the top right of the editor, the notice will change from Save Draft to Autosaving to Saved.

  • All posts and pages have autosaves enabled by default. It is not possible to disable the feature.
  • By selecting Save Draft, you can save manually.

On Published Content, Autosave

  • If you’re modifying an already-published post or page, autosave will continue to work but will not overwrite the content.
  • The changes will not appear on the site until the Update button in the Publish module is clicked.
  • In the Post Revisions Module, you may locate the most recent autosave, as well as other post revisions.

For each autosave, just the last one collected by the system is saved as a revision.

Editing a Post/Page with an Autosave

WordPress.com will save your post to your web browser’s local storage if you go offline while editing or mistakenly navigate away from a post/page while working on it, and you’ll notice a note when you return to the editor:

“There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version below,” says a warning at the top of the WordPress Editor. “View the autosave” is a link.
To return to the draft as-is, click the X, or To restore the most recent autosave, look at the autosave. You can also go through the changes at any moment if you want to go back to a previous version of your content.

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